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Award Criteria

Criteria for Best School Appreciation Program

Utrust will present five awards annually to schools with the most outstanding employee appreciation programs.  The following guidelines will be followed:

  1. Awards will be judged on the leadership of the A-Team, creativity, level of participation, involvement of the community and publicity of the total employee appreciation program throughout the school year.
  2. Nominations for the award must be submitted on the nomination form.
  3. Awards will be based upon the materials uploaded to Phanfare-including photos, videos, newsletters, and newspaper articles.  Materials should be uploaded after each appreciation day  and any additional materials submitted with the nomination form.
  4. Awards will be presented annually based on a school year from July 1 to June 30.
  5. Awards will consist of a cash award of five schools who show the best creativity in their celebrations and excellence in reporting their Appreciation Days. First place will receive $500, second place will receive $400, and third place will receive $300, fourth place receives $200 and fifth place receives $100.

Deadline for entries to be submitted is October 15.