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Culture Builders Award

Share your success stories from participating in Culture Quests! Here’s how to enter:

Who Can Submit? Your G-Force Adviser or School Coordinator can submit stories about how your team is making a positive impact on your school and community.

When to Submit? This year, submissions will be accepted at the end of both semesters. (Next school year, we plan to collect submissions monthly!)

What’s in it for You? The Utrust Team of Judges will review all entries and choose the Top 5. Each winning team will receive $100 to reward the G-Force for their hard work and dedication.

Show us how you’re changing the culture at your school, and you could be one of the Top 5 teams! Let’s celebrate the impact you’re making!

Criteria for Selecting the Top 5:

  • Community outreach efforts.
  • Creativity with culture building activities.
  • Your results and why it was successful.
  • The heart behind it.

Entry and Deadline:

  • End of Semester 1: December 15
  • End of Semester 2: May 15

How to Write Your Summary:

  • Provide an example of how students were involved.
    • “100% of our 4th grade classes signed up for the Birthdate Challenge!”
  • Provide an example of how staff was involved.
    • “Our teachers sent out positive notes to parents about their children.”
  • Provide an example of how parents were involved.
    • “One parent brought in cookies for the staff with a nice note.”
  • Provide an example of how the community was involved.
    • “We invited 3 businesses to donate for appreciation days.”

Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Tell us how you used one of the suggested activities or did your own. 
  • What did people do to show appreciation and how was it received?
  • How did students show appreciation with the Culture Quests?
  • How did parents get involved by showing appreciation to staff or students in some way?
  • What did staff members do to offer kindness to one another, a student or parent?

Our G-Force did the Birthdate Challenge Box activity suggested for the month of September. They were instrumental in decorating a fun box and put it next to our main bulletin board with the posters promoting it. They put posters around the school to encourage people to participate and did several announcements over the intercom. Our School Coordinator helped by adding it to our school website and posting about it on our Facebook Page, both reaching parents and the community. In addition, our School Coordinator sent out an email to parents letting them know about the Birthdate Challenge and asking for their participation. Several parents agreed to participate in the challenge and a few said they were going to do the same at their own workplace!

 This was just the commitment for the Birthdate Challenge to kickoff the year, but we had several students put kind notes of appreciation to other students and staff into the box already! The students and staff are excited to be a part of the Birthdate Challenge and it created an opportunity for conversation about each other’s birthdate and to make a bigger difference in our school and beyond!

We sent a message suggesting ways parents could show appreciation to their child and we received several comments from our students about how their parents have been much more appreciative. We had 90% of our students and 100% of our staff put their names in the Birthdate Box committing to participate in the Birthdate Challenge and we’ve already had at least 100 people comment on how the comments made on birthdays made their day.