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School Coordinator’s Role

The School Coordinator plays a key role in ensuring the success of the Utrust Appreciation Program (UAP)and Culture Initiative by coordinating all activities related to the appreciation days and Culture Quests, and helping to create excitement among the students and staff about appreciation.  A staff member such as an assistant principal, a librarian or school counselor, who has access to all students is an ideal choice as the school coordinator, but classroom teachers who have a heart for appreciation often volunteer to serve in the position.  The School Coordinator works with the G-Force Adviser to create an attitude of gratitude and to promote the Birthdate Challenge and other Culture Quests to foster intentional appreciation on every day during the school year.

Their other major responsibility is to work with A-Team advisers to plan and implement activities for the eight appreciation days during the year. 

School Coordinator Role (printable PDF)

School Coordinator Resource Page

  1. Work with the three A-Team Crew Advisers to select 18 students to serve on the A-Team–six students each for the Action Crew, Creative Crew and Paparazzi.
  2. Before the school year starts, provide an opportunity for parents and community groups to help in appreciation day activities. Set up a table with a sign up sheet on registration night (or parent night, open house, etc.). Have a few A-Team members at the table to greet and invite parents to sign up. For more informationon, click here and read more about lining up your resources.
  1. Before each appreciation day, hold a planning meeting of the A-Team advisers to select activities each crew will carry out for the appreciation day.
  2. Schedule celebration days for the A-Team for the year and communicate those dates to the school community.
  3. Invite the G-Force Adviser to the planning meeting if G-Force members are needed to for specific responsibilities for an appreciation day.
  4. Schedule and plan presentations to the honorees for each appreciation day.  Invite special guests as needed to participate in appreciation celebrations.
  1. After each appreciation day, post a brief summary of the activities with photos and videos on both your school Facebook page and the Utrust Coordinators page. (To apply to be a member of the closed Facebook group, click here.)
  2. If 5 photos and a brief summary are posted in the Utrust Coordinators group by the designated deadline, your school will be entered into the Lucky Star Random Drawing for a chance to win $100 for your A-Team.
  3. For a chance for the honoree to win $100 in the Awesome Notes Random Drawing, post in the Utrust Coordinators group up to three photos of awesome notes written by students to the honorees. Include the full name of the honoree. The photos must be posted by the deadline to qualify.